Thursday, January 19, 2012



A Busy Week

(click the picture!)


So its Thursday night for me right now, which makes it officially 1 week since I returned to Nagoya and moved into my new dorm...

Its been quite the week, to say the least!

In lieu of a strategically poetic, long and drawn out written description of what my life has been like so far, here are some pictures featuring really big flea markets, really crowded shrines, and really small (but cozy!) dorm rooms. And a Korean-Cooking-Krispy-Kreme-Donut-Bananza to top it all off!

Don't be sad, though.
I'll have plenty of hot air and explanations for you later!! ;)



Friday, January 13, 2012


If my life were to take place on a movie set, this would be the part the director comes in with his little clapboard and shouts, "MACKENZIE'S STUDY ABROAD ADVENTURE: TAKE TWO!"
...This metaphor may not be as clever as I intented, but, well...

I'm living in a dorm this time around- Nanzan University's Yamazato Koryu Kaikan, to be exact- and I'm thinking it should be a really different experience this semester. Who knows what could be in store!?

We'll see, right? :)

 I'll be back with more later, but I'm trying to follow some advice and keep my posts frequent and short instead of long and, well, nonexistent. (imsorrypleasedon'thateme!)

With lots of love and lots of hope (and maybe some rainbows and daisies for good measure),



**Looking for a picture, I googled "rainbows and daisies" and found this- probably the most perfect thing that has ever come from an oven (not counting babies, if you use this term figuratively).