Tuesday, September 13, 2011

promises promises...

Hey everyone! So you remember how I told you I would figure out a way to post all of those pictures I promised??


They're all there! All 130 something of them!

And, no, this picture has nothing to do with anything really. It's an adult sized costume of a popular Japanese character called Rilakkuma (a lazy bear who's name is an amalgamation of the Japanese words for relax (ri-ra-k-ku-su) and bear (kuma)). I'm just enjoying the fact that this costume exists and I thought that you might, too.


Sunday, September 11, 2011


I've been thinking a lot about space and distance lately. How do you know the difference between 10 miles away and 1,000? Physically, you are still 'away'. You cannot experience or see that something that you are away from in either scenario, right? So how do you discriminate between the different states of 'away-ness'? I mean, there is definitely a literal distance, but I am starting to think that the feeling of distance is what matters the most. Its a complicated feeling that I don't think we really contemplate too often, but I've been trying to understand it better these past few days. 

I have this feeling of being really, really far away, almost like I moved to another planet. But it's not just a sense of distance between me and the place I came from, but a distance between me and the version of myself that lived there. I just feel... weird. Really weird. Like I cannot even imagine what my life was like before a came to Japan, even though it was only a little over a week ago.

This past week has just been one of those expanses of time that seem both incredibly short and long at the same time.

Do you know what I mean, jelly bean?